I accidentally bought Story Planner. How do I request a refund?
If you accidentally purchased Story Planner or you are not satisfied with it, you can cancel your purchase within 14 days and request a refund within 90 days. Follow the steps below to request a refund:
1. Go to reportaproblem.apple.com
2. Sign in with your Apple ID
3. Find Story Planner by scrolling or searching
4. Click “Report a Problem” and select the option that better suits your case.
If you have purchased the app recently, you may be able to choose the “Cancel purchase” option instead of “Report a problem.” This option is available for recently processed purchases for which the invoice has not yet been sent.
Please note that you cannot request a refund while the charge is pending. You will have to wait until the charge goes through before requesting a refund again.
If you have an unpaid order, you need to pay for that order before requesting a refund.
For further information about refunds, please visit Apple Help at https://support.apple.com/HT204084.