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How do I organize elements in Story Planner?

Creating and rearranging items

Organize your items in Story Planner is easy and intuitive. To create a new element (project, character, location, plot, or scene), you have to tap the + icon at the bottom of the screen.

To rearrange an element in a list, you have to touch and hold the element you want to move until you see it is selected:

Then drag and drop the item. 

You can also drag and drop scenes from one act to another in the list of scenes:

Deleting items

To delete an item, you have to swipe your finger to the left over the item you want to delete and tap the trash icon (on iOS):

If you are working on Mac, then you have to press right-click on the mouse to see the delete menu:


Organizing Projects in Story Planner

As you will see, when you swipe to the left (or right-click on Mac), the menu is different for projects compared to other items. You have more options to organize a project on Mac ...

... and on iPhone:

The Project Menu lets you set a project as completed or in progress (to a better organization of your projects). You can also export and print your projects, delete them it, and duplicate it to make a copy or create a template.

Swipe Menu on iPad

On iPad you will also see an Open icon when you swipe to the left over an item:

This button allows you to access to Split View and multiple windows on the iPad quickly.

Working with Tags

You can also organize by tags all the items in the app. For more information, you can read the articles below: